
Mac ipsec vpn client pfsense
Mac ipsec vpn client pfsense

It’s fast to navigate and the GUI makes sense for both beginners and more experienced users.

mac ipsec vpn client pfsense

One of the big advantages when it comes to PFSense is that is can pretty much do everything out of the box, and setting up a new PFSense literally takes 20 minutes. Lately we have also begun using physical PFSense boxes as we found a company in Sweden that build and sell them rather cheap with nice specifications ( – check them out here). We have been working quite som time with the OpenSource firewall PFSense, especially when it comes to set-ups in virtual environments, for example when a customer has one or a few virtual servers running we sometimes also virtualize their firewall, and PFSense is the perfect choice.

Mac ipsec vpn client pfsense